Definition: business letter fold. you stretch dough in to rectangle facing away long ways away from you. Fold up bottom 3rd. fold dough from top all the way down to bottom. turn so that sealed dough side is on right and repeat. i will add picks on this in the future.
Before you feed for the 2nd 6 hour rise make sure the dough is very stiff i keep adding flour to dough in a business envelope folding method until it just doesnt seem to be able to accept any more. Then let it rise the 6 hours and refrigerate as mentioned in the previous entry.
Pull dough from fridge 1 hour before you want to mix it!!
In a mixer add 2-1/2 cups of flour 1-1/3 cup water add 2/3 cups of starter in broken up pieces to help it mix. mix it at a slw/med speed for 7-10 minutes. make sure no dry flour is left in bowl. remove bowl from mixer pull out down then adds 1 tblspn oil roll bowl around in oil to cover all sides and cover with plastic wrap. let rise one hour.
AFter one hour scrape dough onto counter and do two buisness letter turn folds.(see above) Place dough in a see through container mark spot on bowl so you know when it is doubled.. about 5 hrs
do not deflate dough round it into a ball by basically pulling down sides of dough so that it is tight and then pinching dough so it will stay in place. and has a half of a ball shape. your going to invert dough into a colander with a floured towell pinched size up covered with oiled plastic wrap and let it rise 4 hours the pinching is where the rise will come thus eliminating the look of it.
one hour before bread is just about ready pre heat oven to 475 degrees (keep reading). and you will need two to 3 cooking sheets and/or a cast iron pan.
A cast iron pan on bottom of oven (or baking sheet(1))
a baking sheet(2) on the middle rack.
need to be in the oven.
keep baking sheet (3) out
after the bread has risen appropriately you need to transfer it from colander to baking sheet (3) without losing the rise. you can do this but placing an oiled paper plate on the bottom of the dough then inverting it onto baking sheet (3) and then slide out. if the dough sinks quite easily and spreads out one of two things was not done a. you did not use bread flour (king arthur) b. the dough was not stiff enough you did not add enough flour this is why i hand mix after using mixer so that i can feel the consistency you will be suprised how much flour the dough can take the rise will give you the softness and flour feeds the rise.
place baking sheet(3) perpendicular on top of other baking sheet(2) so it is easy to take off when you move bread to it. and add 1 cup water to pan on bottom of oven at same time. bake 5 minutes reduce temp to 450 cook 10 minutes. pull bread off of baking sheet(3) place on baking sheet (2) bake until sound hollow and long skewer pulls out clean about 15 more minutes.
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